Appreciation of Donation

By lifting others, we also rise. Competitiveness is a necessary condition for every firm’s survival. However, it is advantageous for firms to align their energies to upscale their business in a common market. Indeed, the path led by Code for Afrika e.v. is worth emulating.We are thankful for the donation of 300Euros for the development […]

Occurance of Natural Disasters

The world is just like the human body- an injury caused to one part affects the normalcy of the whole body. Similarly, the impact of a catastrophic incident in one country can go a long way to affect the global supply chain.  Thus, a global lens is imperative for building resilient solutions against disasters.

Scope of Operations

Disaster Relief Systems is a startup that has immersed itself in the development of innovative technical solutions for disaster management. For the essence of providing more profound solutions for institutions involved, we develop our concepts in the light of the five stages of Emergency Management: Prevention > Mitigation > Preparation > Response > Recovery For […]

Exist Founder Schoolarship

We are grateful for the confidence expressed in our business initiative. The Exist-scholarship reveals that building global resilience against disasters is also within the scope of the BMWi. A big thanks to all individuals and institutions whose support has resulted in this achievement: Leipzig University, Technische Universität Chemnitz, SEPT Leipzig University, SCHRÖDER DESIGN, Utz Dornberger, Sea-Eye e.V., Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland, Susanne Ebitsch, T.U.C. Racing e.V.

Number of Natural Disasters

The most dreadful disasters are what often catch the attention of the media. However, a day hardly passes by without experiencing a form of disaster on our planet.  Building global disaster resilience calls for a holistic understanding of all types of cataclysms and their rate of occurrence.

Leipziger Gründernacht 1. Place

On 19th November 2020, Disaster Relief Systems was awarded 2,000 Euros for the Best-Business-Idea competition during  Leipzig Founders‘ Night Awards in Saxony-Germany.  After a 90-second presentation, Our idea of building a mobile purification unit was decided by a panel and the larger audience as the best among the other six competitive business ideas. We regard […]

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